Individual CLE Courses
Continuing Legal Education Online Courses with MCLEZ are for Alaska attorneys who want to make the most of their time and money. Easily earn Alaska CLE credit through courses which have been produced in a variety of legal subjects that matter to you.
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Alaska CLE Courses
ABA Professional Responsibility Client-Lawyer Guidelines Part V
Price: $19.99
This class is part of a special MCLEZ series on The Rules of Professional Conduct. The Rules, written by the American Bar Association, are "the gold standard" when making critical decisions about ethics, compliance and best practice. The ABA Rules have been adapted by most state bars for the benefit and guidance of their members. In addition, the Rules are an authority across the U.S. during attorney disciplinary hearings and fee dispute arbitrations. In this class, David Graulich, Esq. examines Section VIII (Maintaining the Integrity of the Profession). Among the topics covered: Bar Admission and Disciplinary Matters, Judicial and Legal Officials, Reporting Professional Misconduct, Misconduct and Disciplinary Authority; Choice of Law. Graulich illustrates the ABA rules with citations from actual cases as well as personal anecdotes from his experiences as a plaintiff's employment lawyer in Northern California.
AK - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, CA - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, CT - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, FL - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, SC - Ethics: 1.0 CreditsCourse Agenda:
- Rules Overview ? Maintaining the Integrity of the Profession
- Rule 8.1 - Bar Admission and Disciplinary Matters
- Rule 8.2 - Judicial and Legal Officials
- Rule 8.3 - Reporting Professional Misconduct
- Rule 8.4 - Misconduct
- Rule 8.5 - Disciplinary Authority; Choice of Law
- Further Reading
Course Presenter(s):
- David Graulich, Esq.
Aliant Law - Economic Crime Conference
Price: $29.99
This program features an expert panel of attorneys from across the world who discuss global trends in sanctions and Asset Recovery, particularly in relation to the Ukraine-Russia war. This second Aliant Law International Economic Crime Conference provides valuable information for attorneys who represent U.S. businesses impacted by sanctions on Russia, both here and globally. Attorneys from the UK, Italy, India, and France identify which countries have, or have not been affected, in various sectors, such as the financial sector, shipping, aviation and energy. Remedies or compliance measures, such as asset-recovery (seizure of ships/aviation), anti-money laundering statutes in numerous countries. and whistle-blower remedies are examined. The panelists also discuss immigration and human rights issues and specific remedies implemented (or not) in many countries. This program is of great value for lawyers who value the expertise of colleagues from other countries and how they asses the relative impacts of this conflict on the global legal landscape for businesses and other clients across the globe and in the U.S., and recommendations they have on how to best provide protective legal measures for their clients.
AK - Voluntary: 2.0 Credits, AL - On-Demand: 2.0 Credits, AZ - General: 2.0 Credits, CA - General: 2.0 Credits, CT - General: 2.0 Credits, FL - General: 2.5 Credits, IL - General: 2.0 Credits, MO - Self Study: 2.0 Credits, NC - General: 2.0 Credits, ND - Self Study: 2.0 Credits, NH - General: 2.0 Credits, NJ - General: 2.5 Credits, NV - General: 2.0 Credits, NY - General: 2.5 Credits, PA - Distance Learning: 2.0 Credits, TX - General: 2.0 CreditsCourse Agenda:
Russian Sanctions- The Present
- Current Magnitude
- Effect on Biz Sector
- Energy Impacts
- Energy Sector
- Financial Sector
- Export Controls
- Aviation
- Block, Freeze, Seize
- How to Respond
- L.D. n. 231/2001
- Sanctions
- Precautionary Measures
- Warning
- Conclusion
- Statutory Details
- 2 Categories of Requesting States
- Extradition Process for Category 1 Territories
- Category 2 Territories
- Category 2 Territories - Type B
- Extradition Process for Category 2 Territories
- Extradition Hearing
- Secretary of State's Decision
- Bars to Extradition
- The Transitional Period
- No Supervisory Jurisdiction by CJEU
- End of Dual Criminality Assumptions?
- Extradition of Nationals
- Key Provisions
- Registration of Overseas Entities
- What Steps Does and Overseas Entity Need to Take?
- What is a Registrable Beneficial Owner?
- Requirements
- Civil Asset Recovery - Unexplained Wealth Orders
- Key Changes to the UWO
- Unlawful Conduct
Course Presenter(s):
- Jacob Stein, Esq
Business and Asset Protection Strategies in the Age of Covid-19
Price: $19.99
than those who have not. This engaging presentation on protecting assets from plaintiffs, lenders, creditors and the government will cover lessons learned from the financial crisis of 2008 that we can apply to the current landscape, what businesses can do now to transition into the recession, and how companies and individuals can protect their assets from litigation and creditor threats. The instructor will share real-life stories and anecdotes, and will present a very practical approach to protecting assets. The discussion will also cover asset protection planning in a troubled economy, focusing on protecting assets from lenders and landlords and how to plan after a lawsuit, a default or an accident.
AK - Voluntary: 1.5 Credits, AZ - General: 1.5 Credits, CT - General: 1.5 Credits, FL - General: 1.5 Credits, IL - General: 1.25 Credits, NJ - General: 1.5 Credits, NY - General: 1.5 Credits, SC - General: 1.31 CreditsCourse Agenda:
- Overview of Asset Protection
- Fraudulent Transfers
- Business Entities
- Trusts in Asset Protection
- Protecting Specific Assets
- How to plan for a lawsuit
Course Presenter(s):
- Jacob Stein, Esq
Coming to America and Staying: Immigration Law Basics
Price: $19.99
At the forefront of the news and a subject that is intensely controversial for both foreigners and citizens is the topic of Immigration laws in the United States. However, many people do not know the inner workings of the system or what the immigration laws of the United States really means for people trying to come in legally to the USA. This lecture will cover those basics and give the attendee the status of where we are today when it comes to the topic of Immigration.
AK - Voluntary: 1.0 Credits, AL - On-Demand: 1.0 Credits, AZ - General: 1.0 Credits, CA - General: 1.0 Credits, CT - General: 1.0 Credits, FL - General: 1.0 Credits, IL - General: 1.0 Credits, IN - Distance Education: 1.0 Credits, MO - Self Study: 1.0 Credits, NH - General: 1.0 Credits, NJ - General: 1.0 Credits, NV - General: 1.0 Credits, NY - General: 1.0 Credits, OH - Self Study: 1.0 Credits, PA - Distance Learning: 1.0 CreditsCourse Agenda:
- Immigration and Nationality Act
- Family Based Immigration
- Employment Based Immigration
- Refugees and Asylum
- Other forms of relief
- US Citizenship
- What happens if you don?t follow the rules?
- Prosecutorial Discretion
- The Future Of DACA
- What is the current status of DACA?
- Conclusions
Course Presenter(s):
- Russell Jackman, Esq.
Cyber Security Concerns and Solutions for the Law Office
Price: $19.99
The increases computer usage since the onset of the Pandemic plus new challenges created by new technologies has created significant threats towards attorneys and their clients. This program helps attorneys meet their ethical ABA model rule 1.1 requirements while getting vital information to help them safeguard their practice and their clients.
AK - Voluntary: 1.0 Credits, AL - On-Demand: 1.0 Credits, AZ - General: 1.0 Credits, CA - Technology: 1.0 Credits, CT - General: 1.0 Credits, FL - Technology: 1.0 Credits, IL - General: 1.0 Credits, IN - Distance Education: 1.0 Credits, MO - Self Study: 1.0 Credits, NH - General: 1.0 Credits, NJ - General: 1.0 Credits, NV - General: 1.0 Credits, NY - Cybersecurity: 1.0 Credits, OH - Self Study: 1.0 Credits, PA - Distance Learning: 1.0 CreditsCourse Agenda:
ul>Course Presenter(s):
- Russell Jackman, Esq.
Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Price: $19.99
This lecture discusses the background and substance of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, case law surrounding it and what the implications of the DMCA are currently, plus what it might mean for the future of the Internet and Intellectual Property.
AK - Voluntary: 1.0 Credits, AZ - General: 1.0 Credits, CA - General: 1.0 Credits, CT - General: 1.0 Credits, FL - General: 1.0 Credits, IN - Distance Education: 1.0 Credits, NV - General: 1.0 Credits, NY - General: 1.0 Credits, SC - General: 1.0 CreditsCourse Agenda:
- What is the DMCA?
- DMCA Penalties
- Is the DMCA Successful?
- Conclusions
- Russell Jackman, Esq.
Course Presenter(s):
Electronic Discovery and the Cloud in the Practice of Law
Price: $19.99
This course about electronic discovery and the cloud in practice of law will explore ten topics that are relevant to attorneys. First, the course will explore legal implications of cloud storage in electronic discovery. Next, the course will investigate data privacy challenges in cloud-based electronic discovery. The course will then explore preservation obligations in cloud-stored electronic evidence. After this, the course will investigate accessing and securing cloud data in legal investigations. Next, the material will cover compliance with esi protocols in cloud environments. The course will then turns towards impact of gdpr on U.S. cloud discovery practices. Next, the course will investigate authenticity verification of cloud-stored legal documents. The course will then explore cloud service provider agreements in ESI management. The course will next investigate legal ethics in using cloud platforms for ediscovery. Lastly, the material will cover cost-effective cloud solutions for small law firms.
AK - Voluntary: 1.0 Credits, AL - On-Demand: 1.0 Credits, AZ - General: 1.0 Credits, CA - General: 1.0 Credits, CT - General: 1.0 Credits, FL - General: 1.0 Credits, GA - Self Study: 1.0 Credits, IL - General: 1.0 Credits, IN - Distance Education: 1.0 Credits, KY - General: 1.0 Credits, MO - Self Study: 1.0 Credits, ND - Self Study: 1.0 Credits, NH - General: 1.0 Credits, NJ - General: 1.0 Credits, NV - General: 1.0 Credits, NY - General: 1.4 Credits, OK - Distance Learning: 1.0 Credits, PA - Distance Learning: 1.0 Credits, TN - General: 1.15 Credits, TX - General: 1.0 CreditsCourse Agenda:
- Legal implications of cloud storage in electronic discovery.
- Data privacy challenges in cloud-based electronic discovery.
- Preservation obligations in cloud-stored electronic evidence.
- Accessing and securing cloud data in legal investigations.
- Compliance with ESI protocols in cloud environments.
- Impact of GDPR on U.S. cloud discovery practices.
- Authenticity verification of cloud-stored legal documents.
- Cloud service provider agreements in ESI management.
- Legal ethics in using cloud platforms for eDiscovery.
- Cost-effective cloud solutions for small law firms.
Course Presenter(s):
- Berry Crawford
Ethical Considerations During Mediation and Arbitration
Price: $19.99
In this course we will look at the ethical considerations that should be followed during the mediation and arbitration processes. First, we will review both mediation and arbitration at a high level and investigate what roles they play in the alternative dispute resolution process. We will then look at the ethical frameworks that have been developed by the American Bar Association for mediation and arbitration. We will finish the course by exploring real world scenarios of these principles in action by investigating specific cases where these issues arose.
AK - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, AZ - Professional Responsibility: 1.0 Credits, CA - Ethics: 1.5 Credits, CT - Ethics: 1.5 Credits, FL - Ethics: 1.5 Credits, IL - Professional Responsibility: 1.25 Credits, ND - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, NH - Ethics: 1.25 Credits, NJ - Ethics: 1.5 Credits, NV - Ethics: 1.5 Credits, NY - Ethics: 1.5 CreditsCourse Agenda:
- Introduction
- Mediation Overview
- Arbitration Overview
- ABA Rules of Professional Responsibility
- ABA Model Standards of Conduct for Mediators
- ABA Arbitration Code of Ethics
- Case Law
Course Presenter(s):
- David Graulich, Esq.
Ethical Considerations for the In-house Counsel
Price: $19.99
In this course we will look at the ethical issues that are particularly relevant to an organization?s in-house counsel. After a brief overview of what makes the situation of an in-house counsel unique, we will explore specific ABA rules of professional responsibility and look at example cases that illuminate the issues in-house counsels may face. Areas covered are: Confidentiality of Information, Conflict of Interest: Current Clients, Current Clients: Specific Rules, Organization as Client and Unauthorized Practice of Law; Multijurisdictional Practice of Law.
AK - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, AZ - Professional Responsibility: 1.0 Credits, CA - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, CT - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, FL - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, IL - Professional Responsibility: 1.0 Credits, IN - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, NH - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, NJ - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, NV - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, NY - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, OH - Attorney Professional Conduct: 1.0 CreditsCourse Agenda:
- ABA Rules of Professional Responsibility
- Confidentiality of Information
- Conflict of Interest: Current Clients
- Current Clients: Specific Rules
- Organization as Client
- Unauthorized Practice of Law; Multijurisdictional Practice of Law
Course Presenter(s):
- Joe Schofield
Ethical Considerations when Marketing and Advertising Legal Services
Price: $19.99
In this course we will look at the ethical considerations that should be followed when lawyers engage in marketing and advertising. First, we examine the history and context of marketing and advertising by attorneys. Next, we look at the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct and determine which rules are most relevant to attorney marketing and advertising. Lastly, we explore real world scenarios of these principles in action by investigating specific cases where these issues arose.
AK - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, AL - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, AZ - Professional Responsibility: 1.0 Credits, CA - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, CT - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, FL - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, GA - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, IL - Professional Responsibility: 1.0 Credits, IN - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, MO - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, NH - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, NJ - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, NV - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, NY - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, OH - Attorney Professional Conduct: 1.0 Credits, PA - Ethics: 1.0 CreditsCourse Agenda:
- Overview of Marketing
- ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct
- Communications Concerning a Lawyer?s Services
- Communications Concerning a Lawyer?s Services: Specific Rules
- Solicitation of Clients
- Case Law
Course Presenter(s):
- David Graulich, Esq.
Ethical Issues During the Discovery Process
Price: $19.99
In this course we will look at the ethics of the discovery process as it pertains to Interrogatories and Document Production. First we will review what the discovery process entails and how it fits into the overall litigation picture. We will next look at the relationship between the courts and the discovery process. Next, we will look at the ABA rules and Federal Rules of Civil Procedure which are the sources of rules regarding the discovery process. We will then look in detail at various cited cases that resolved around these discovery process rules. Lastly we will look at a taxonomy of discovery abusers and investigate some practical considerations for litigators.
AK - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, AZ - Professional Responsibility: 1.0 Credits, CA - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, CT - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, FL - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, IL - Professional Responsibility: 1.0 Credits, ND - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, NJ - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, NV - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, NY - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, OH - Attorney Professional Conduct: 1.0 CreditsCourse Agenda:
- What is the discovery process?
- The Courts and Discovery
- ABA Rules of Professional Responsibility
- Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
- Case Law
- Taxonomy of Discovery Abusers
- Practical Considerations
Course Presenter(s):
- David Graulich, Esq.
Ethics and the Court of Public Opinion
Price: $19.99
Calculated to increase awareness of significant issues impacting the integrity of the legal profession and public trust, the course examines high profile examples of wrongful behavior and traditional notions of moral character. From select sections of the Model Rules of Conduct and terms and concepts from the ethical tradition, it is an informed analysis of questionable decision making under difficult circumstances requiring practitioners to employ the highest standards of care, to preserve the rights and remedies of those they serve and promote the credibility of the justice system.
AK - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, AZ - Professional Responsibility: 1.0 Credits, CA - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, CT - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, FL - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, GA - Self Study: 1.0 Credits, IL - Professional Responsibility: 1.0 Credits, IN - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, NH - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, NJ - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, NV - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, NY - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, OH - Self Study: 1.0 Credits, PA - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, TX - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, UT - Ethics: 1.0 CreditsCourse Agenda:
Attorneys will benefit from the examination of the Model Rules of Conduct, increase awareness of issues and trends involving professional responsibility, and visit the harmful impact questionable behavior has on the public trust. To better deliver the constitutional imperative and improve their advocacy for the rights and remedies of those they serve, the result delivers a prescription for credibility of the judicial process and integrity of the justice system for practitioners in the United States. The overall value aspires to preserve civil rights, promote dignity of the profession, increase public trust, and improve quality of life.
Course Presenter(s):
- Greg Woods, J.D.
Intellectual Property Law Basics
Price: $19.99
The field of Intellectual property is an ever-changing area of law. This lecture will talk about the basic concepts behind IP law including Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights, what they cover and what potential limits and conflicts can be in enforcing them.
AK - Voluntary: 1.0 Credits, AZ - General: 1.0 Credits, CA - General: 1.0 Credits, CT - General: 1.0 Credits, FL - General: 1.0 Credits, NJ - General: 1.0 Credits, NY - General: 1.0 CreditsCourse Agenda:
Course Presenter(s):
- Russell Jackman, Esq.
Music Copyright: the 2x6 Workshop
Price: $29.99
San Francisco Bay Area based Entertainment Law attorney Mark A. Pearson of ARC Law Group discusses the fundamentals of copyright in the music industry, focusing on the foundation of "two copyrights and six royalty streams." Mark breaks down how to protect written and recorded music and provides insights into how each is monetized. Topics include an overview of U.S. Copyright Law, protection of copyright rights, how to effectively work with producers/songwriters, performing rights societies, and licensing. He also discusses streaming royalties and changes under the Music Modernization Act. This program is designed to help attorneys who may already represent artists and other industry professionals, or who may have the opportunity to do so, understand the basics of music copyright and the implications of new content-delivery technologies.
AK - Voluntary: 2.0 Credits, ME - Self Study: 1.66 Credits, NY - General: 2.0 Credits, SC - General: 1.68 CreditsCourse Agenda:
- Two Music Copyrights
- Six Revenue Streams
- Composition
- Sound Recording
- Copyright Duration
- Copyright Registration
- Music Copyright - 2x6
- Music Streaming
Course Presenter(s):
- Mark A. Pearson
Neurobiology, Mindfulness and Mental Health in the Practice of Law
Price: $19.99
Practicing attorneys tend to suffer from mental health symptoms and disorders at a higher rate than society at large. The pressures and dynamics of this profession can be and often are intense. In this course we look at mindfulness practice as a proven solution to deal with these challenges. We look at mental health and mindfulness through the lens of their underlying neurological correlates and explore how mindfulness is an evidenced-based solution. We close the course with practical considerations in applying mindfulness principles to law practice.
AK - Voluntary: 1.0 Credits, AL - On-Demand: 1.0 Credits, AZ - General: 1.0 Credits, CA - Wellness Competence: 1.0 Credits, CT - General: 1.0 Credits, FL - Mental Illness: 1.0 Credits, IL - Mental Health - Substance Abuse : 1.0 Credits, IN - Distance Education: 1.0 Credits, MO - Self Study: 1.0 Credits, NH - General: 1.0 Credits, NJ - General: 1.0 Credits, NV - Substance Abuse: 1.0 Credits, NY - General: 1.0 Credits, OH - Self Study: 1.0 Credits, PA - Distance Learning: 1.0 CreditsCourse Agenda:
- The Extent of Mental Health Issues in the Practice of Law
- How To define Mental Health
- The Core Neurological Basis of Depression and Anxiety
- Is there a Solution?
- How Mindfulness Works
- Bringing Mindfulness into the Practice of Law
Course Presenter(s):
- Berry Crawford
NLRB Update
Price: $19.99
Labor law is currently in the news. High profile campaigns and issues involving many businesses we frequent are in the public eye. Because labor law has a broader scope and greater impact than many practitioners may realize, this program will address recent developments at the National Labor Relations Board on a variety of issues. The focus will be on several areas, including case rulings, expanding remedies for unlawful conduct, hot topic issues, as well as potential change to come through legislation, policy, and regulations. Even if you do not regularly practice before the National Labor Relations Board, this program provides insight on issues on NLRB's agenda which touch upon areas practitioners may have considered to be exclusively regulated by state or federal employment law.
AK - Voluntary: 1.0 Credits, AZ - General: 1.0 Credits, CA - General: 1.0 Credits, CT - General: 1.0 Credits, FL - General: 1.0 Credits, IL - General: 1.0 Credits, IN - Distance Education: 1.0 Credits, MO - Self Study: 1.0 Credits, MT - Self Study: 1.0 Credits, NH - General: 1.0 Credits, NJ - General: 1.0 Credits, NV - General: 1.0 Credits, NY - General: 1.0 Credits, OH - Self Study: 1.0 Credits, UT - Self Study: 1.0 CreditsCourse Agenda:
Areas of Development
- Case rulings
- Remedies
- Regulations
- Legislation
- American Steel (372 NLRB No. 23)
- ArrMaz Products (372 NLRB No. 12)
- Bexar Performing Arts Center (372 NLRB No. 28)
- Grill Concepts (372 NLRB No. 30)
- McLaren Macomb (372 NLRB No. 58)
- RAV Truck (372 NLRB No. 25)
- Sunbelt Rentals (372 NLRB No. 24)
- T-Mobile (371 NLRB No. 163)
- Tesla (371 NLRB No. 131)
- Thryv, Inc. (372 NLRB No. 22)
- Troutbrook Company (372 NLRB No. 26)
- Valley Hospital (371 NLRB No. 160)
- NLRB v. Aakash
Pending Cases of Interest
- Stericycle - NLRB Case 4-CA-137660 on employee handbooks and workplace rules
- The Atlanta Opera - NLRB Case 10-RC-276292 on employee versus independent contractor status
- Services LLC - NLRB Case 29- CA-292392 on employer holding mandatory "captive audience" meetings
- Black Lives Matter cases
- Starbucks and injunction
- Amazon elections and charges
- And more
- Remedies
- Regulations
- Legislation
- Policy Efforts
- Landscape and Conclusion
Course Presenter(s):
- Thomas A. Lenz
NLRB-Labor Law Update
Price: $19.99
Changes in the composition of the National Labor Relations Board have led to changes in workplace law. The scope of employees? protected activity as well as employers? rights to set policy and to manage the workforce are in flux. More change is anticipated as the NLRB looks at setting new standards for union organizing, workplace access of union representatives, use of electronic communications, and the scope of protected employee dissent. In case rulings, guidance memos, and proposed regulations, this is a time of change labor and employment law practitioners need to follow.
AK - Voluntary: 1.0 Credits, NY - General: 1.0 Credits, PA - Distance Learning: 1.0 Credits, SC - General: 1.11 CreditsCourse Agenda:
- The National Labor Relations Act vests employees with rights under Section 7 to engage in activities relating to unions, mutual aid and protection on wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment, or to refrain from such activity.
- The NLRB has two principal functions pursuant to the NLRA:
- enforcing laws to ensure that workers may freely exercise their rights under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (the Act) without any interference from employers or unions, and
- holding secret ballot elections at which workers can choose whether to have a union represent them.
Course Presenter(s):
- Thomas A. Lenz
The ABCs of the Remote Law Practice
Price: $19.99
Join lawyers Jacob Stein, Diane Camacho, Larry Cohn, and Michael Bono as they delve into the world of remote law practice in this enlightening discussion. Discover the advantages and practical tips for running a successful remote law firm, including:
- Benefits such as reduced overhead costs and reaching a wider client base.
- Overcoming common obstacles like breaking old habits and dispelling misconceptions about professionalism.
- Effective communication strategies for both individual and group meetings.
- Innovative business development tactics like hosting webinars and networking through joint ventures.
- Financial management essentials, including trust account separation and utilizing specialized software for bookkeeping and reporting.
- Embracing technology with cloud storage, practice management software, and document automation tools.
- Leveraging AI legal research and drafting tools like Co-Counsel, Spellbook, and GAVL to boost efficiency. Gain valuable insights from the speakers' own experiences as they share tips for embracing technology and ensuring the security and effectiveness of remote law practices.
AK - Voluntary: 1.0 Credits, AZ - General: 1.0 Credits, CA - General: 1.0 Credits, CT - General: 1.0 Credits, FL - General: 1.0 Credits, IN - Distance Education: 1.0 Credits, MO - Self Study: 1.0 Credits, ND - Self Study: 1.0 Credits, NH - General: 1.0 Credits, NJ - General: 1.0 Credits, NY - General: 1.0 Credits, OK - Distance Learning: 1.5 Credits, TN - General: 1.33 Credits, TX - General: 1.25 CreditsCourse Agenda:
- Best accounting practices, with a focus on software that allows for remote approval of trust, AP and billing actions
- Technology for remote lawyers and firms, including document storage, why VPNs are bad, and best software
- Establishing a strong communication structure
- Developing a unified structure and delegating in a remote setting
- New economic models for remote law firms (virtual and distributed firms)
- The advantages of the new models over the traditional law firm model
- Leveraging AI for enhanced document management, legal research and contract analysis in remote law practices
- Optimizing client engagement and service delivery through AI-driven virtual assistance and predictive analytics
- Bolstering remote law practices with AI-powered e-discovery and knowledge management
Course Presenter(s):
- Jacob Stein, Esq
- Diane Camacho
- Michael Bono
- Lawrence Kohn
Unauthorized Practice of Law
Price: $19.99
The unauthorized practice of law, (UPL), is "engaging in the practice of law by persons or entities not authorized to practice law" and the State needs to control who holds themselves out as an attorney to give value to the licensing and ethics control entities such as the Bar Associations and Court systems. Tensions arise when consumers need certain services which they may believe are too costly if performed by a bona fide lawyer or firm. This course outlines those tensions, the balancing factors which certain states have used to address these issues and takes a close look at several situations in which the non-lawyer entities may pose a risk to the public, and where lawsuits have been necessary to limit or curtail these non-lawyer entities.
AK - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, AZ - Professional Responsibility: 1.0 Credits, FL - Professionalism: 1.0 Credits, IL - Professional Responsibility: 1.0 Credits, ND - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, NJ - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, NV - Ethics: 1.0 Credits, NY - Ethics: 1.0 CreditsCourse Agenda:
- What is UPL?
- The Wills Crisis and UPL
- LegalZoom & UPI
- Cases
- The Florida Bar v. Moses, 380 So. 2d 412 (Fla. 1980)
- Peters Production, Inc. v. Desnick Broadcasting Company
- Ginger v. Cohn (Cite 426 F.2d 1385)
- Bay County Bar Association v. Finance System, Inc.
- State v. Despain, 319 S.C. 317, 460 S.E.2d 576 (1995),
- Franklin v. Chavis, 371 S.C. 527, 640 S.E.2d 873 (2007)
- Kone v. Wilson,630 S.E.2d 744, 272 Virginia 59 (2006)
- House Counsel
- Punishments for Violations: Examples
- Conclusions
Course Presenter(s):
- Russell Jackman, Esq.
Water Law: Water Rights, Droughts, and a Flood of Legal Issues Part II
Price: $19.99
After recent years in which records have been set for both rain and lack of precipitation, Environmental and Water Law expert Wes Miliband discusses issues which arise when both drought and climate change create conditions over which populations have little control. To help attorneys proactively recognize and address these issues so as to prevent both legal disputes and damage to people and property in the future, Mr. Miliband raises awareness of how, and where, such disputes may arise. He addresses the basic system of water rights, tribal, military and Federal rights, key cases, how local, state and federal water agencies work and long term creative solutions for an uncertain future, such as ocean winds, desalination and other sustainable techniques.
AK - Voluntary: 1.0 Credits, AZ - General: 1.0 Credits, CA - General: 1.0 Credits, CT - General: 1.0 Credits, FL - General: 1.0 Credits, IL - General: 1.0 Credits, IN - Distance Education: 1.0 Credits, MO - Self Study: 1.0 Credits, MT - Self Study: 1.0 Credits, ND - Self Study: 1.0 Credits, NH - General: 1.0 Credits, NJ - General: 1.0 Credits, NV - General: 1.0 Credits, NY - General: 1.0 Credits, OH - Self Study: 1.0 Credits, TX - General: 1.0 CreditsCourse Agenda:
- Overview and Refresh from Part 1 (October 2021)
- Describe the key drivers behind California?s water system;
- Identify federal, state, and local agencies and their respective roles and responsibilities; and
- Provide an overview of the State?s water rights and water conveyance systems.
- Environmental laws affecting water supply allocation. Recent droughts, storm cycles and other current events impacting water supplies in California
Course Presenter(s):
- Wes Miliband
Whistle-Blower Claims: Avoiding the Courthouse
Price: $19.99
During this presentation, Fisher Phillips Partner, Jason Geller will discuss, what constitutes retaliation, protecting and defending your company against such claims, whistle-blower protection vs. retaliation claims and creating policies and procedures to minimize problems, claims and lawsuits.
AK - Voluntary: 1.0 Credits, CA - General: 1.0 Credits, CT - General: 1.0 Credits, FL - General: 1.0 Credits, MO - Self Study: 1.0 Credits, NJ - General: 1.0 Credits, NY - General: 1.0 CreditsCourse Agenda:
- The rise in whistleblowing and retaliation lawsuits
- Important laws protecting employees against retaliation for whistleblowing
- Enforcement by governmental agencies
- What is ?protected activity? and how to spot it
- Effective responses to whistleblowing and ?protected activity?
- Why So Much Whistleblowing?
- Publicity: Federal and State whistleblowing claims are in the press
- Creates liability where none existed!
- The Legal Landscape: What We Need to Know - ?Protected Activity?
- Wrongful Discharge in Violation of ?Public Policy?
- Federal False Claims Act
- National Labor Relations Act
- State laws protecting whistleblowers
- The ?adverse actions? that can cause problems:
- The Legal Landscape: What We Need to Know ? ?Adverse Action?
- Look Out! Government Agencies Are Involved
- EEOC, OSHA, NLRB, SEC State agencies
- SEC Whistleblowing Program
- SEC/NLRB enforcement:
- Defend Trade Secrets Act
- Social media policies
- Recent wage/hour complaint?
- The Best Response: Solid Policies and Practices
- Employer complaint procedures
- The Best Response: Solid Policies and Practices
- Employer?s investigation protocol
- Employer?s response to protected activity
- Conduct objective and thorough investigation required by the circumstances
- Carefully evaluate risks of subsequent discipline to employee
- The Best Response: Spot Retaliation ?Red-Flags? And Shut Them Down!
- Stricter supervision
- New performance issues
- Higher standards or expectations
- Supervisor complaints to others
- Coworkers shun, tease, threaten
- Knock, Knock: The Government Is at Your Door on A Whistleblowing Complaint
- Gatekeeping when the auditor arrives
- Final Questions
Course Presenter(s):
- Jason A. Geller