Free CLE Courses
Earn free continuing legal education credit. Try any course from the MCLEZ catalog and earn free CLE credit before you spend a dime. We are confident that when you earn free continuing legal education credit with MCLEZ, you'll find it to be the easiest, most stable and user-friendly online platform to complete your MCLE requirement. It's easy- simply choose a course from the course catalog below, and click the Try button. Once your account is set up, you can start the course for CLE credit. When the course is complete, you'll get an MCLE certificate of attendance which you may present to your state CLE regulatory board as proof of completion. When you're satisfied with the experience, purchase the appropriate state bundle to complete the rest of your CLE requirement. If you aren't satisfied, you're free to walk away, and you'll have earned at least an hour of free CLE credit. Shopping for continuing legal education online doesn't get easier than this. Try before you buy. Limit 1 free course per customer.