6 Courses | 6 Credits | Only $49! Purchase Bundle ^ Back to Top

$49 GA MCLE - 6 Credits

Fulfill your GA MCLE Requirements with this 6 Course Compliance Bundle

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6 Credit - Georgia CLE Bundle A - $49

Online and On-demand GA Bar Approved MCLE Requirements Compliance | 6 Courses | 6 Credits

The Georgia Bundle will provide 6.0 allowable online CLE hours including the 1 required hour of Ethics.

Georgia Commission on Continuing Lawyer Competency Phone: (404) 527-8710 Fax: (404) 527-8717 http://www.gabar.org

Conveniently watch these courses on your computer, tablet or phone anywhere that you have an Internet connection. Fulfilling your GA MCLE requirements could not be easier!

Speciality Credits: Ethics - 1 Credit

Bundle Price: $49

Purchase This Bundle Now!

GA MCLE Requirements at a Glance

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Every year by December 31, Georgia attorneys are required to complete 12 hours of Continuing Legal Education, 1 hour of which must cover Professionalism. Of the 12 hour requirement, attorneys may fulfill up to 6 hours, including specialty credits through online pre-approved courses from MCLEZ. On-demand programs at MCLEZ and live simultaneous Webcasts are both considered self-study in Georgia.

MCLEZ provides online continuing legal education courses that have been individually pre-approved for online CLE credit by the Georgia Commission on Continuing Lawyer Competency.

Georgia Commission on Continuing Lawyer Competency phone # (404) 527-8710

Courses Included in this GA MCLE Requirements Bundle

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The following courses fulfill 6 GA MCLE credits:

  • Ethical Considerations when Screening and Selecting New Clients
  • Ethics and the Court of Public Opinion
  • Implicit Bias and Bias-Reduction Strategies
  • Policing from Where we Are Today
  • Technology and Bias - Spreading it and Stopping it
  • Update on NLRB Cases, Guidance and Rulemaking
All of these GA Bar Approved Courses for only $49!

Purchase This Bundle Now!

GA MCLE Requirements Bundle Course Details

An image showing ethics law books

Ethical Considerations when Screening and Selecting New Clients

GA MCLE Requirements Credit Type: Ethics

Running Time: 1 Hours, 14 Minutes

GA MCLE Course Details:

One of the most important yet overlooked issues in practicing law are the ethical considerations when screening and selecting new clients. If you work in a large law firm with a dedicated research department or work for a small law firm, it is important to understand the rules and nuances of new client ethics. In this course we look at what the ethical framework is that underlies these principles. We first look at conflicts of interests. Next, we examine meritorious claims and contentions. We then look at the various issues involved into going into business with or investing in a client. We examine the related concepts of competence and capacity and then lastly review the importance of not overselling a case with a potential client.


  • David Graulich, Esq.
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Ethics and the Court of Public Opinion

GA MCLE Requirements Credit Type: Self Study

Running Time: 1 Hours, 8 Minutes

GA MCLE Course Details:

Calculated to increase awareness of significant issues impacting the integrity of the legal profession and public trust, the course examines high profile examples of wrongful behavior and traditional notions of moral character. From select sections of the Model Rules of Conduct and terms and concepts from the ethical tradition, it is an informed analysis of questionable decision making under difficult circumstances requiring practitioners to employ the highest standards of care, to preserve the rights and remedies of those they serve and promote the credibility of the justice system.


  • Greg Woods, J.D.
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Implicit Bias and Bias-Reduction Strategies

GA MCLE Requirements Credit Type: Self Study

Running Time: 1 Hours, 5 Minutes

GA MCLE Course Details:

Having presented MCLE programs in the areas of "Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profession" and "Diversity, Inclusion and Equity" for over a decade, attorney Steven A. Nielsen has witnessed the importance of these issue grow, along with the statistical data and measurement of progress. In this presentation, Mr. Neilsen focuses on "Implicit Bias," and the promotion of bias-reducing strategies to address how unintended biases regarding race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or other characteristics undermine confidence in the legal system. Among specific Implicit (or "Subconscious") Biases which he addresses are "Ageism," and "The Halo Effect." He discusses the impact these biases have on the legal profession and society writ large, on individual lawyers and their practices, and scenarios in which they can impact the courtroom and the law firm workplace.


  • Steven A Nielsen
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Policing from Where we Are Today

GA MCLE Requirements Credit Type: Self Study

Running Time: 1 Hours, 17 Minutes

GA MCLE Course Details:

The objective of this presentation is to identify and discuss key legal and social issues in the context of today's volatile society, with an emphasis on limitations on the use of force and legal remedies in response to police misconduct. The presenter discusses how current events give rise to cases in numerous legal areas, from Civil Rights violations, Constitutional Law, including freedom of speech and lawful (and unlawful) protests, and liability for damages from both protests and police misconduct. Moreover, the presenter discusses topical issues of vital importance, such as the ?defund? movement, which runs along a spectrum, from those in Minneapolis who would disband and rebuild their police department (on the theory that the current department?s culture is too pervaded by racism and violence), to those in New York City or Los Angeles who advocate reallocation of spending and reform of police practices. Ultimately these issues end up in Court, where lawyers must be leaders and help society solve these complicated issues. This program aims to increase awareness of the critical legal issues involved.


  • Greg Woods, J.D.
An image showing a gavel and a keyboard

Technology and Bias - Spreading it and Stopping it

GA MCLE Requirements Credit Type: Self Study

Running Time: 1 Hours, 8 Minutes

GA MCLE Course Details:

This lecture deals with how technology both spreads and helps eliminate conscious and unconscious bias in the legal profession, and what can be done to continue to use technology to identify and eliminate patterns of bias while being aware of how the wrong use of technology can unfortunately help spread it.


  • Russell Jackman, Esq.
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Update on NLRB Cases, Guidance and Rulemaking

GA MCLE Requirements Credit Type: Self Study

Running Time: 1 Hours, 4 Minutes

GA MCLE Course Details:


  • Thomas A. Lenz

The MCLEZ Difference

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Since 2009

MCLEZ.COM and it's management team are industry leaders in offering online continuing legal education courses. Among other innovations, we were the first online CLE company to offer instant attendance certificates and automatic attendance tracking. You can count on our experience of over a decade in offering high quality and excellent value CLE compliance.
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85,000+ Customers

Having offered high quality and affordable CLE compliance courses to over eighty thousand satisfied CLE customers, we have a proven track record in being a CLE company that you can trust. We are well respected by both attorneys and state CLE boards as a company that can be trusted in providing approved CLE courses.
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213,000+ CLE Courses Sold

As the most widely used online CLE provider in many states, our intuitive CLE video players and reliable technology can be trusted to provide you the best possible online CLE compliance experience.

Start fulfilling your GA MCLE Requirements right away

An image showing a gavel and a keyboard

Once purchased, you can begin attending your on demand CLE courses right away. As you complete each course you will immediately have access to proof-of-attendance certificates. You can watch courses anywhere from any device. It could not be easier.

Detailed GA MCLE Requirements

What are the general Georgia CLE Rules?

Online MCLE Rule Summary: Attorneys must complete 12 credits, including 1 credit of legal ethics and 1 credit of professionalism, per reporting period. Trial attorneys must also complete 3 credits of trial practice. Up to 6 credits, including specialty credits may be earned online at MCLEZ as distance learning credits. On-demand programs at MCLEZ and live simultaneous Webcasts are both considered self-study in Georgia.

What Does MCLEZ Provide to it's Georgia CLE Customers?

Previously Recorded Programs: Up to 6 distance learning credits may be satisfied with previously recorded audio or video programs at MCLEZ.

Live Webcast Programs: Up to 6 distance learning credits may be satisfied with live Webcasts.

Attendance Reporting: MCLEZ reports attorney attendance to the State Bar of Georgia each month. Before beginning a program, you will be prompted to indicate the state(s) in which you are seeking credit. You must include Georgia as one of your states in order to be included on the attendance report that is provided to the State Bar of Georgia.

What are the Georgia CLE State Requirements?

- Total Credits Required: 12
- Specialty Credits Required:
- Ethics -- Minimum Credits Per Period: 1
- Professionalism -- Minimum Credits Per Period: 1
- Trial Practice -- Minimum Credits Per Period: 3
- Minutes Per Credit Hour: 60

What are the Georgia CLE Reporting Requirements?

- Length of Reporting Period: 1 year
- End of Compliance Period: December 31
- Reporting Date: January 31

What are the Georgia CLE Carry Over Rules?

- General Credit Carryover Allowed? Yes
- Amount of General Credit Carryover Allowed? 12
- Carryover Period Length (months): 12

What are the Georgia CLE Ethics Requirements?

- Carryover Allowed? Yes
- Max Carryover Credits:2
- Carryover Period Length (months): 12
- Reporting Period Length (years):1

What are the Georgia CLE Professionalism Requirements?

- Carryover Allowed? Yes
- Max Carryover Credits:2
- Carryover Period Length (months): 12
- Reporting Period Length (years):1

What are the Georgia CLE Trial Practice Requirements?

- Carryover Allowed? Yes
- Max Carryover Credits:3
- Carryover Period Length (months): 12
- Reporting Period Length (years):1

What are the Georgia CLE New Admit Requirements?

- Total Credits Required: 12
- Specialty Credits:
- Minutes Per Credit Hour: 60
- Length of Reporting Period: 1 year
- End of Compliance Period: December 31
- Reporting Date: January 31

What are the Georgia CLE New Admit Carry Over Requirements?

- Are they allowed: Yes
- Max Carryover Credits: 12
- Carryover Period Length (months): 12

What are the Georgia CLE Attendance Reporting Procedures?

MCLEZ reports attendance to the state within 30 days of the attorney's completion of the program. Professionalism credits are also reported to the state.

What is the Georgia CLE State Bar Contact Information

Georgia Commission on Continuing Lawyer Competency

104 Marietta Street NW

Suite 100

Atlanta, GA 30303

Phone: (404) 527-8710

Fax: (404) 527-8717


The best way to start meeting your GA MCLE Requirements

An image showing someone watching a CLE course

With MCLEZ.COM, it could not be easier to fulfill your GA MCLE requirements. We offer informative and thought provoking courses at an excellent value and make it easy to to print and submit certificates of attendance once you have completed each program. In business since 2008, MCLEZ.COM is a trusted leader in providing state-bar approved CLE compliance courses across the country. There is not a more convenient way to fulfill your GA MCLE compliance requirements.

Bundle Price: $49